You might think I'm stupid. Just another guy falling into a trap. You might be saying, "yeah, yeah, tough luck. Everyone already heard this type of story. What's the big deal?" Let me tell you. This isn't some ordinary trap, it's much worse and darker you can think of. You see, my idiotic will got the best of me one night. I was bored, and there wasn't anything to do on that night. So I went to the dark web, a tomfoolery decision that I regretted for the rest of my life. Finding a link that sends you to a website that has live recording of a person being tortured with a live chatbox. One message popped up on my screen. It said, "would you like to be torture?" I thought the whole thing was a scam, so I said yes. We had a conversation about where I would go. The day after that night, I went to the location that the person texted me. In my mind, I thought it would be a random street. But oh boy, I was dead wrong. It led me to a abandoned factory. I was scare for a moment, but I went in.
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